1- Planning, organizing and directing the manufacturing and maintenance process that ensures the most effective return on assets. 2- Preparing initiative plans and operations that reduce manufacturing costs and contribute to achieving the company’s interests. 3- Effective use of manpower, equipment, facilities, and materials to achieve the planned return. 4- Achieving production goals and schedules while ensuring product standards that will exceed customer expectations. 5- Work to reduce costs as needed and in a way that does not harm the company’s interests and objectives. 6- Working to use advanced technologies to serve the work and the product.
7- Work to improve the use of labor within the factory, and work to keep it stable in order to achieve the required return to achieve the company’s interests. 8- Work to establish management practices in all corners of the factory. 9- Working to give confidence to workers and their participation in construction, work and production processes. 10- Maintaining, encouraging and developing individual skills. 11- Full knowledge of the requirements of clients and customers through the Group’s Marketing Directorate. 12- Continuously supervising equipment and devices to work on increasing the factory’s production capacity, and developing advanced plans to increase production in accordance with quality standards.
13- Approval of purchase requests before submitting them to the General Director. 14- Submitting reports and developing plans in cooperation with the factory work team. 15- Technical and administrative supervision of subordinates, following up on the evaluation of their performance and achievements, and reviewing proposals for training programs to raise the level of their knowledge and develop their capabilities. 16- Emphasis on implementing and developing occupational safety and health procedures, securing their requirements, and approving rescue, evacuation and first aid plans in cooperation with the Quality, Occupational Safety and Health Department. 17- Determine the volume of work and labor, determine the requirements for equipment and human resources, and forecast future needs. 18- Approving production plans and programs, and ensuring that the product conforms to international standard specifications. 19- Coordination with the concerned departments to secure raw materials.
21- Supervising the qualification of the production line, and ensuring the stability of the specifications of the finished product. 22- Approving the periodic work plan from the warehouses to determine the required quantities of raw materials. 23- Emphasis on examining the received raw materials and ensuring their compliance with specifications. 24- Preparing reports and submitting them to senior management. 25- Receiving weekly reports from all directorates and sections of the factory, discussing them with them, and giving appropriate instructions, orders and directives that ensure the smooth progress of work in the factory. 26- Receiving monthly plans from all directorates and sections of the factory, and giving appropriate instructions, orders and directives that ensure the smooth progress of work in the factory.
Bachelor of EngineeringExperience in management and leadershipExperience from 10 to 15 years Proficient in working with computersExperience in the field of industry