Voice Core Operations Senior Engineer.Service Operation & Optimization

Etisalat - Egypt

Job Purpose

Senior Deployment Technician is responsible for installing and organizing the Network devices and Cables in Telecom Egypt Centrals efficiently and timely to ensure completion of the weekly plan and facilitate Maintenance Jobs

Report To Position Name

1. Surveys the work site to ensure the feasibility of the task to be deployed 2. Responsible for delivering work permits and Work Orders to Telecom Egypt Officials to facilitate the job execution 3. Responsible of the installation of a. Racks in the assigned slots by Telecom Egypt to host the equipment b. Network devices (DSLAMs, Cards, Routers, Transmission equipments, …) c. Cable Ladders and Cables d. MDF Blocks 4. Responsible for formatting the cables to prepare for MDF Blocks installation 5. Run a test to insure that the task is completed successfully 6. Responsible for Systemizing and labeling of the cables and network devices to ensure cable safety paths, adherence to TE regulations and facilitating maintenance 7. Prepare weekly reports including Survey report and related documents with photos (before job and after) to document weekly activities 8. Submitting weekly Claim reports with supporting documents to settle petty cash

Post date: 24 March 2025
Publisher: etisalat jobs
Post date: 24 March 2025
Publisher: etisalat jobs