Chemical Sales Engineer

metco - Egypt - Giza
  • Develop manufacturing processes that minimize waste and increase the quality of finished products
  • Monitor and test processes and products found in all phases of production
  • Develop and implement safety procedures for staff working with hazardous materials
  • Design, plan and implement the layout of manufacturing equipment to optimize production and decrease costs
  • Use computers to compile and analyze data
  • Establish safety and waste management procedures
  • Travel to work sites and locations to learn about project needs and design
  • Assist with establishing budgets and timelines

bachelor's degree in a technical field  (engineering, since ....etc  )minimum 2-3 years experiencesbackground in sales and marketing of chemical products is preferred  good computer skillsgood communication skillsgood English language writing and speakingOwen a car
Post date: Today
Publisher: Wuzzuf .com
Post date: Today
Publisher: Wuzzuf .com