Warning (512): Cache not configured properly. Please check Cache::config(); in APP/config/core.php [APP/cake/libs/configure.php, line 638]
Warning (2): array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array [APP/cake/libs/configure.php, line 659]
Warning (2): array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array [APP/cake/libs/configure.php, line 666]
Notice (8): Undefined index: PREF_LANG_UPDATED [APP/app_controller.php, line 2377]
Notice (8): Undefined index: state [APP/controllers/customized_searches_controller.php, line 244]
Notice (8): Undefined index: customized_search_id [APP/controllers/customized_searches_controller.php, line 336]
Notice (8): Undefined index: title [APP/models/customized_search.php, line 119]
Notice (8): Undefined index: ar_title [APP/models/customized_search.php, line 120]
html/controllers/customized_searches_controller.php (line 452)
 [sid] =>
 [keywords] => مدرس OR teacher OR مدرسة OR مدرسين OR مدرسون OR tutor OR school OR teaching OR أساتذة
 [categories] =>
 [countries] => Array
 [0] => 213
 [sites] =>
 [job_types] =>
 [search_period] =>
 [page_no] => 1
 [per_page] =>
 [order_by] =>
 [lang] =>
 [search_in] => n
 [dictionary] => 1
 [state] =>
 [district] =>
 [is_subscribed] =>
 [only_featured] =>
 [governmental] =>
 [featured] =>
 [company_id] =>
 [company] =>
 [negative_keywords] =>
 [recruitment_program] =>
 [title_keywords] =>
 [url] => https://egypt.tanqeeb.com/ar/s/%D9%88%D8%B8%D8%A7%D8%A6%D9%81/%D9%85%D8%AF%D8%B1%D8%B3%D9%8A%D9%86
 [sdomain] => https://egypt.tanqeeb.com
 [title] => وظائف مدرسين في مصر
 [customized_search] => 74
Notice (8): Array to string conversion [APP/app_controller.php, line 1580]
html/app_controller.php (line 1607)
html/controllers/customized_searches_controller.php (line 455)
 [sid] => 4
 [keywords] => مدرس OR teacher OR مدرسة OR مدرسين OR مدرسون OR tutor OR school OR teaching OR أساتذة
 [categories] =>
 [countries] => Array
 [0] => 213
 [sites] =>
 [job_types] =>
 [search_period] =>
 [page_no] => 1
 [per_page] =>
 [order_by] =>
 [lang] =>
 [search_in] => n
 [dictionary] => 1
 [state] =>
 [district] =>
 [is_subscribed] =>
 [only_featured] =>
 [governmental] =>
 [featured] =>
 [company_id] =>
 [company] =>
 [negative_keywords] =>
 [recruitment_program] =>
 [title_keywords] =>
 [url] => https://egypt.tanqeeb.com/ar/s/%D9%88%D8%B8%D8%A7%D8%A6%D9%81/%D9%85%D8%AF%D8%B1%D8%B3%D9%8A%D9%86
 [sdomain] => https://egypt.tanqeeb.com
 [title] => وظائف مدرسين في مصر
 [customized_search] => 74
Notice (8): Undefined index: force_featured_plan [APP/models/job.php, line 326]
html/vendors/fulltext_search.php (line 28)
 [0] => Array
html/vendors/fulltext_search.php (line 30)
مدرس OR teacher OR مدرسة OR مدرسين OR مدرسون OR tutor OR school OR teaching OR أساتذة
html/vendors/fulltext_search.php (line 32)
مدرس OR teacher OR مدرسة OR مدرسين OR مدرسون OR tutor OR school OR teaching OR أساتذة
html/vendors/fulltext_search.php (line 35)
مدرس OR teacher OR مدرسة OR مدرسين OR مدرسون OR tutor OR school OR teaching OR أساتذة
html/vendors/fulltext_search.php (line 37)
مدرس OR teacher OR مدرسة OR مدرسين OR مدرسون OR tutor OR school OR teaching OR أساتذة
html/vendors/fulltext_search.php (line 58)
html/vendors/fulltext_search.php (line 65)
+مدرس +or +teacher +or +مدرسه +or +مدرس +or +مدرس +or +tutor +or +school +or +teaching +or +اساتذه
html/models/job.php (line 536)
 [keywords] => +مدرس +or +teacher +or +مدرسه +or +مدرس +or +مدرس +or +tutor +or +school +or +teaching +or +اساتذه
 [negative_keywords] =>
Notice (8): Undefined variable: title_sql_keywords [APP/models/job.php, line 540]
Notice (8): Undefined index: tanqeeb_priority [APP/models/job.php, line 640]
Notice (8): Undefined index: sponsored [APP/models/job.php, line 665]
Warning (512): SQL Error: 1114: The table 'jobs_custom_searches_memory' is full [APP/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo_source.php, line 603]

Query: INSERT INTO `jobs_custom_searches_memory` (`job_id`, `custom_search_id`) VALUES (20283055, 74)

Warning (512): SQL Error: 1062: Duplicate entry '20283055-74' for key 'job_id_2' [APP/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo_source.php, line 603]

Query: INSERT INTO `jobs_custom_searches` (`job_id`, `custom_search_id`) VALUES (20283055, 74)

Query: INSERT INTO `jobs_custom_searches_memory` (`job_id`, `custom_search_id`) VALUES (20281713, 74)

Warning (512): SQL Error: 1062: Duplicate entry '20281713-74' for key 'job_id_2' [APP/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo_source.php, line 603]

Query: INSERT INTO `jobs_custom_searches` (`job_id`, `custom_search_id`) VALUES (20281713, 74)

Warning (2): file_put_contents(/var/www/html/tanqeeb/webroot/mysql_errors.log) [function.file-put-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory [APP/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo_source.php, line 271]

Query: INSERT INTO `jobs_custom_searches_memory` (`job_id`, `custom_search_id`) VALUES (20281319, 74)

Warning (512): SQL Error: 1062: Duplicate entry '20281319-74' for key 'job_id_2' [APP/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo_source.php, line 603]

Query: INSERT INTO `jobs_custom_searches` (`job_id`, `custom_search_id`) VALUES (20281319, 74)

Query: INSERT INTO `jobs_custom_searches_memory` (`job_id`, `custom_search_id`) VALUES (20281325, 74)

Warning (512): SQL Error: 1062: Duplicate entry '20281325-74' for key 'job_id_2' [APP/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo_source.php, line 603]

Query: INSERT INTO `jobs_custom_searches` (`job_id`, `custom_search_id`) VALUES (20281325, 74)

Query: INSERT INTO `jobs_custom_searches_memory` (`job_id`, `custom_search_id`) VALUES (20281824, 74)

Warning (512): SQL Error: 1062: Duplicate entry '20281824-74' for key 'job_id_2' [APP/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo_source.php, line 603]

Query: INSERT INTO `jobs_custom_searches` (`job_id`, `custom_search_id`) VALUES (20281824, 74)

Query: INSERT INTO `jobs_custom_searches_memory` (`job_id`, `custom_search_id`) VALUES (20282214, 74)

Warning (512): SQL Error: 1062: Duplicate entry '20282214-74' for key 'job_id_2' [APP/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo_source.php, line 603]

Query: INSERT INTO `jobs_custom_searches` (`job_id`, `custom_search_id`) VALUES (20282214, 74)

Query: INSERT INTO `jobs_custom_searches_memory` (`job_id`, `custom_search_id`) VALUES (20281693, 74)

Warning (512): SQL Error: 1062: Duplicate entry '20281693-74' for key 'job_id_2' [APP/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo_source.php, line 603]

Query: INSERT INTO `jobs_custom_searches` (`job_id`, `custom_search_id`) VALUES (20281693, 74)

Query: INSERT INTO `jobs_custom_searches_memory` (`job_id`, `custom_search_id`) VALUES (20281841, 74)

Warning (512): SQL Error: 1062: Duplicate entry '20281841-74' for key 'job_id_2' [APP/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo_source.php, line 603]

Query: INSERT INTO `jobs_custom_searches` (`job_id`, `custom_search_id`) VALUES (20281841, 74)

Query: INSERT INTO `jobs_custom_searches_memory` (`job_id`, `custom_search_id`) VALUES (20282202, 74)

Warning (512): SQL Error: 1062: Duplicate entry '20282202-74' for key 'job_id_2' [APP/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo_source.php, line 603]

Query: INSERT INTO `jobs_custom_searches` (`job_id`, `custom_search_id`) VALUES (20282202, 74)

Query: INSERT INTO `jobs_custom_searches_memory` (`job_id`, `custom_search_id`) VALUES (20280285, 74)

Warning (512): SQL Error: 1062: Duplicate entry '20280285-74' for key 'job_id_2' [APP/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo_source.php, line 603]

Query: INSERT INTO `jobs_custom_searches` (`job_id`, `custom_search_id`) VALUES (20280285, 74)

Query: INSERT INTO `jobs_custom_searches_memory` (`job_id`, `custom_search_id`) VALUES (20281000, 74)

Warning (512): SQL Error: 1062: Duplicate entry '20281000-74' for key 'job_id_2' [APP/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo_source.php, line 603]

Query: INSERT INTO `jobs_custom_searches` (`job_id`, `custom_search_id`) VALUES (20281000, 74)

Query: INSERT INTO `jobs_custom_searches_memory` (`job_id`, `custom_search_id`) VALUES (20275733, 74)

Warning (512): SQL Error: 1062: Duplicate entry '20275733-74' for key 'job_id_2' [APP/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo_source.php, line 603]

Query: INSERT INTO `jobs_custom_searches` (`job_id`, `custom_search_id`) VALUES (20275733, 74)

Query: INSERT INTO `jobs_custom_searches_memory` (`job_id`, `custom_search_id`) VALUES (20276618, 74)

Warning (512): SQL Error: 1062: Duplicate entry '20276618-74' for key 'job_id_2' [APP/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo_source.php, line 603]

Query: INSERT INTO `jobs_custom_searches` (`job_id`, `custom_search_id`) VALUES (20276618, 74)

Query: INSERT INTO `jobs_custom_searches_memory` (`job_id`, `custom_search_id`) VALUES (20276646, 74)

Warning (512): SQL Error: 1062: Duplicate entry '20276646-74' for key 'job_id_2' [APP/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo_source.php, line 603]

Query: INSERT INTO `jobs_custom_searches` (`job_id`, `custom_search_id`) VALUES (20276646, 74)

Query: INSERT INTO `jobs_custom_searches_memory` (`job_id`, `custom_search_id`) VALUES (20274173, 74)

Warning (512): SQL Error: 1062: Duplicate entry '20274173-74' for key 'job_id_2' [APP/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo_source.php, line 603]

Query: INSERT INTO `jobs_custom_searches` (`job_id`, `custom_search_id`) VALUES (20274173, 74)

Query: INSERT INTO `jobs_custom_searches_memory` (`job_id`, `custom_search_id`) VALUES (20274184, 74)

Warning (512): SQL Error: 1062: Duplicate entry '20274184-74' for key 'job_id_2' [APP/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo_source.php, line 603]

Query: INSERT INTO `jobs_custom_searches` (`job_id`, `custom_search_id`) VALUES (20274184, 74)

Query: INSERT INTO `jobs_custom_searches_memory` (`job_id`, `custom_search_id`) VALUES (20273988, 74)

Warning (512): SQL Error: 1062: Duplicate entry '20273988-74' for key 'job_id_2' [APP/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo_source.php, line 603]

Query: INSERT INTO `jobs_custom_searches` (`job_id`, `custom_search_id`) VALUES (20273988, 74)

Query: INSERT INTO `jobs_custom_searches_memory` (`job_id`, `custom_search_id`) VALUES (20274046, 74)

Warning (512): SQL Error: 1062: Duplicate entry '20274046-74' for key 'job_id_2' [APP/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo_source.php, line 603]

Query: INSERT INTO `jobs_custom_searches` (`job_id`, `custom_search_id`) VALUES (20274046, 74)

Query: INSERT INTO `jobs_custom_searches_memory` (`job_id`, `custom_search_id`) VALUES (20272416, 74)

Warning (512): SQL Error: 1062: Duplicate entry '20272416-74' for key 'job_id_2' [APP/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo_source.php, line 603]

Query: INSERT INTO `jobs_custom_searches` (`job_id`, `custom_search_id`) VALUES (20272416, 74)

Query: INSERT INTO `jobs_custom_searches_memory` (`job_id`, `custom_search_id`) VALUES (20273300, 74)

Warning (512): SQL Error: 1062: Duplicate entry '20273300-74' for key 'job_id_2' [APP/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo_source.php, line 603]

Query: INSERT INTO `jobs_custom_searches` (`job_id`, `custom_search_id`) VALUES (20273300, 74)

html/vendors/fulltext_search.php (line 28)
 [0] => Array
html/vendors/fulltext_search.php (line 30)
مدرس OR teacher OR مدرسة OR مدرسين OR مدرسون OR tutor OR school OR teaching OR أساتذة
html/vendors/fulltext_search.php (line 32)
مدرس OR teacher OR مدرسة OR مدرسين OR مدرسون OR tutor OR school OR teaching OR أساتذة
html/vendors/fulltext_search.php (line 35)
مدرس OR teacher OR مدرسة OR مدرسين OR مدرسون OR tutor OR school OR teaching OR أساتذة
html/vendors/fulltext_search.php (line 37)
مدرس OR teacher OR مدرسة OR مدرسين OR مدرسون OR tutor OR school OR teaching OR أساتذة
html/vendors/fulltext_search.php (line 58)
html/vendors/fulltext_search.php (line 65)
+مدرس +or +teacher +or +مدرسه +or +مدرس +or +مدرس +or +tutor +or +school +or +teaching +or +اساتذه
html/models/job.php (line 536)
 [keywords] => +مدرس +or +teacher +or +مدرسه +or +مدرس +or +مدرس +or +tutor +or +school +or +teaching +or +اساتذه
 [negative_keywords] =>
Warning (2): Illegal string offset 'keywords' [APP/app_controller.php, line 1744]
Warning (2): Illegal string offset 'search_keyword_id' [APP/app_controller.php, line 1749]
Warning (2): Illegal string offset 'keywords' [APP/app_controller.php, line 1756]
Notice (8): Undefined variable: query [APP/controllers/customized_searches_controller.php, line 635]
html/controllers/customized_searches_controller.php (line 751)
Notice (8): Undefined variable: extension [APP/controllers/customized_searches_controller.php, line 761]
وظائف معلمين في مصر 2024 | وظائف تدريس Notice (8): Undefined variable: header_fixed [APP/views/themed/tanqeeb_2020/layouts/default.ctp, line 131]
Notice (8): Undefined variable: header_transparent [APP/views/themed/tanqeeb_2020/layouts/default.ctp, line 131]
Notice (8): Undefined variable: skip_header [APP/views/themed/tanqeeb_2020/elements/layout/header.ctp, line 5]
Warning (2): Illegal offset type in isset or empty [APP/cake/libs/router.php, line 990]

وظائف مدرسين في مصر


تلقي تنبيهات البريد الإلكتروني لوظائف وظائف مدرسين في مصر

وظائف مدرسين في مصر

٢٢١ وظائف شاغرة

Notice (8): Undefined variable: ardate [APP/views/themed/tanqeeb_2020/jobs/search.ctp, line 71]
Notice (8): Undefined variable: sponsored [APP/views/themed/tanqeeb_2020/elements/job.ctp, line 32]JOB-bd23322497a9879d5e047f2e0bd90e75" data-id="20283055" class="card-list-item card-list-item-hover px-3 px-lg-6 py-6 py-lg-4 " href="/ar/jobs-in-egypt/all/jobs/020283055.html">
Notice (8): Undefined variable: comapny_logo_file [APP/config/functions.php, line 999]w-100">

Primary Tutor (Discover Curriculum)

مصر - Cairo اليوم

We are looking to hire a primary Tutor to join us on our mission to educate the world. The successful candidate shall be responsible for conducting online sessions on the Discover curriculum and...
Notice (8): Undefined variable: not_found [APP/views/themed/tanqeeb_2020/jobs/search.ctp, line 79]
اشترك لتصلك وظائف وظائف مدرسين في مصر الجديدة دوريا علي بريدك
Notice (8): Undefined variable: not_found [APP/views/themed/tanqeeb_2020/jobs/search.ctp, line 150]
البحث عن المرشحين؟

احصل على المواهب المثالية من بين أكثر من 2.5 مليون مرشح من اكثر من 25 دولة عربية و اجنبية.

نشر وظيفة الآن

شاهد ايضا
Notice (8): Undefined variable: similarsearch_tags [APP/views/themed/tanqeeb_2020/elements/right_column.ctp, line 60]

شاهد ايضا
Notice (8): Undefined variable: tkr [APP/views/themed/tanqeeb_2020/elements/layout/footer.ctp, line 17]
Notice (8): Undefined variable: tkr [APP/views/themed/tanqeeb_2020/elements/layout/footer.ctp, line 18]
Notice (8): Undefined variable: tkr [APP/views/themed/tanqeeb_2020/elements/layout/footer.ctp, line 19]
Notice (8): Undefined variable: tkr [APP/views/themed/tanqeeb_2020/elements/layout/footer.ctp, line 20]
12.055860996246 Seconds