
  • Prepare solutions by weighing ingredients and dissolving and diluting substances
  • Analyze organic and inorganic compounds to determine their composition
  • Conduct qualitative and quantitative experiments taking into account the volume and structure of ingredients
  • Customize formulas and use different reagents to test chemical reactions
  • Write technical reports of the test results
  • Develop nonstandard tests for chemical products
  • Maintain lab equipment and troubleshoot or report on malfunctions
  • Refine chemical products to improve their quality
  • Ensure compliance with laboratory health and safety guidelines
  • Sterilize equipment and store materials in secure places

Bachelor’s degree from an accredited scientific college (Engineering/Science/Agriculture) with a major in one of (Chemistry/Plant Protection/Toxicology/Entomology).Ability to work under pressureExcellent in English Language.Excellent in Microsoft office.
تاريخ النشر: اليوم
الناشر: Wuzzuf .com
تاريخ النشر: اليوم
الناشر: Wuzzuf .com