Senior Property Consultant

  • Determine clients’ needs and financial abilities in order to propose solutions that suit them.
  • Perform comparative market analysis to estimate properties’ value.
  • Display and market real property to possible buyers.
  • Maintain and update listings of available properties.
  • Cooperate with appraisers, escrow companies, lenders, and home inspectors.
  • Develop networks and cooperate with attorneys, mortgage lenders, and contractors.
  • Promote sales through advertisements, open houses and listing services.
  • Remain knowledgeable about real estate markets and best practices

Experience in the Real Estate field (Brokerage or Developer companies) is a MUSTPresentable.Negotiation skills.Owns a car , preferred but not a must
تاريخ النشر: اليوم
الناشر: Wuzzuf .com
تاريخ النشر: اليوم
الناشر: Wuzzuf .com