Area Service Desk Manager

  • Keeping a close eye on the performance and availability of computer systems and networks and fixing any problems that arise.
  • Responding to IT emergencies, like system crashes or security breaches. This involves investigating the problem, working with technical teams to find solutions, and keeping everyone informed.
  • Making sure users get quick and helpful support for their IT issues. This might involve running a help desk.
  • Creating and managing maintenance schedules for hardware and software, including updates and backups.
  • Planning for future IT needs and making sure the systems can handle growing demands.
  • Putting security measures in place to protect computer systems and data from threats like cyberattacks.
  • Setting and meeting service level agreements for IT services to make sure they meet the needs of the business and its users.
  • Always looking for ways to improve IT processes, make them more efficient, and reduce costs.
  • Working with IT vendors and service providers, negotiating contracts, and making sure they deliver what they promise.
  • Leading and mentoring a team of IT professionals, providing support and helping them develop their skills.
  • Setting goals, monitoring performance, and providing feedback to team members.
  • Encouraging teamwork within the IT department and with other departments in the organization.
  • Helping to develop the organization's IT strategy and plans for future technology.
  • Keeping up with new technologies and figuring out how they can improve IT operations and help the business reach its goals.
  • Managing the IT operations budget, keeping track of spending, and making sure resources are used effectively.

7 to 10 years of exp in the same field
تاريخ النشر: اليوم
الناشر: Wuzzuf .com
تاريخ النشر: اليوم
الناشر: Wuzzuf .com