-Make sure adhering the Co. DoA and SOPs.
-Handle the division meetings and important 3rd party meetings.
-Following up on overdue status with the AR team and review the aging on regular basis.
-Lead any new project and following up on tasks and deadlines.
-Approve, Verify, allocate, post, and reconcile accounts receivable.
-Produce error-free accounting reports and present their results.
-Analyze financial information and summarize financial status.
-Spot errors and suggest ways to improve efficiency and spending.
-Provide technical support and advice on accountants.
-Review and recommend modifications to accounting systems and procedures.
-Provide input into the department’s goal-setting process.
-Participate in prepare financial statements and produce budget according to schedule.
-Assist with tax audits and tax returns.
-Liaise with our Financial manager and Accounting manager to improve financial procedures