- Coordinate and implement customer-based initiatives that will impact the perception of Innovinity in a positive manner.
- Receive calls and make appointments and record them on system and app.
- Develop and foster relationships with internal and external customers that will enhance services.
- Develop and implement plans for delivery of services via Call Center, Website, and face to face.
- Conduct internal and public surveys to determine customer satisfaction and strategic direction.
- Implement technology where appropriate to enhance service delivery and accountability.
- Develop and maintain a strategic plan for continued improvement of customer service.
- Develop and implement procedures to ensure the efficient operation of the Call Center.
- Supervise and schedule staff to ensure the delivery of superior customer service.
- Prepare call statistics, orders closed, orders open, and other reports to encourage accountability and customer service.
- Forward upselling and cross-selling opportunities to the sales team
Fluent English LanguagePresentable - unveiledFemales onlyCustomer centricRelative previous experience