Front End Developer "Vue.js"

مصر - القاهرة
  • Meeting with the development team to discuss user interface ideas and applications.
  • Reviewing application requirements and interface designs.
  • Identifying web-based user interactions.
  • Developing and implementing highly responsive user interface components using react concepts.
  • Writing application interface codes using JavaScript following react.js workflows.
  • Troubleshooting interface software and debugging application codes.
  • Developing and implementing front-end architecture to support user interface concepts.
  • Monitoring and improving front-end performance.
  • Documenting application changes and developing updates

Strong proficiency in JavaScript, object model, DOM manipulation and event handlers, data structures, algorithms, JSX, and BabelStrong understanding of the Vue.js framework and its core principlesUnderstanding of RESTful APIs/GraphQL, HTML/CSS, ES6 (variables and scoping, array methods), code versioning tools like GIT, SVN, etc., popular frontend development tools, CI/CD tools, DevOps, performance testing frameworks like Mocha, Node + NPMPreferred degree in Computer Science, Information Technology or similar
تاريخ النشر: اليوم
الناشر: Wuzzuf .com
تاريخ النشر: اليوم
الناشر: Wuzzuf .com