وظائف خالية Project Manager

Overall Purpose of the Job:
Project engineer offers support to construction projects, setting out and determining the location for above and underground infrastructural installations involved in construction operations. This role also requires applying designs and plans to mark out the site and can be involved in projects ranging from small scale to multi-million-pound ventures. This may include civil, road, rail and other infrastructure projects. 
Organizational Relationships:
· Supervision of: Superintendent Technicians, Foremen Technicians and Technicians
· Functional relationships with: Finance, HR & Admin, Legal, Technical, IT and Architecture.
· External Relationships: Consultants, Contractors, Suppliers, Clients and Government Relations

A. Essential

· Acting as the main technical adviser on a construction site for subcontractors, crafts people and operatives.

· Setting out, levelling and surveying the site.

· Checking plans, drawings and quantities for accuracy of calculations.

· Ensuring that all materials used and work performed are as per drawings and specifications.

· Overseeing the selection and requisition of materials and plant.

· Agreeing a price for materials, and making cost-effective solutions and proposals for the intended project.

· Managing, monitoring and interpreting the contract design documents supplied by the client or architect.

· Liaising with any consultants, subcontractors, supervisors, planners, quantity surveyors and the general workforce involved in the project.

· Liaising with the local authority (where appropriate to the project) to ensure compliance with local construction regulations and by-laws.

· Liaising with clients and their representatives (architects, engineers and surveyors), including attending regular meetings to keep them informed of progress.

· Day-to-day management of the site, including supervising and monitoring the site labor force and the work of any subcontractors.

· Planning the work and efficiently organizing the plant and site facilities in order to meet agreed deadlines.

· Overseeing quality control and health and safety matters on site.

· Preparing reports as required.

· Resolving any unexpected technical difficulties and other problems that may arise.

· Producing Workshop drawings if required

· Scheduling Work and Activities -- Scheduling events, programs, and activities, as well as the work of others.

· Schedule the project in logical steps and budget time required to 

meet deadlines.

· Inspect and review projects to monitor compliance with building and safety codes, and other regulations.

· Overseeing reporting and documentation systems.

· Develop a detailed project plan to monitor and track progress

· Manage changes to the project scope, project schedule and project costs using appropriate verification
Educational background and Experience required:
· Bachelor degree in construction, building, civil/structural or Architectural engineering 
· Commercial awareness. 
· Ability to work in a team. 
· Technical skills:
· Excellent Knowledge of AutoCAD
· Good command of Sap and any other structural analysis software
· Microsoft project management and/or alternatives 
·  good understanding of Revit and all required affiliated software 
· Microsoft Office and/or equivalent alternatives 
· Problem solving.
· An understanding of how your actions can affect profitability of a project.
· Experience from zero to five years in construction site engineer. 
· Flexibility to short-term contracts and reallocation.
· Attention to detail with the ability to multitask.   
Working Conditions:
· Traveling and living on sites if project is in remote areas.
· Engineers work a standard 48 hours/week. 
· At times, deadlines or design standards may bring extra pressure to a job, sometimes requiring engineers to work longer hours. 
· Engineer must be on site for 22 days per month yet the rotation and holidays will be scheduled based on work conditions and requirements.

Post date: Today
Publisher: Forasna
Post date: Today
Publisher: Forasna