Human Resources - Recruiting Specialist

  • Create and publish job ads in various portals.
  • Network with potential hires through professional groups on social media and during events
  • Screen resumes and job applications.
  • Conduct initial phone screens to create shortlists of qualified candidates.
  • Interview candidates in-person for a wide range of roles.
  • Follow up with candidates throughout the hiring process.
  • Track hiring metrics including time-to-hire, time-to-fill, and source of hire.
  • Design, distribute and measure the results of candidate experience surveys.
  • Maintain a database of potential candidates for future job openings.
  • Reports on quarterly and annual hiring plans.
  • Reports on hiring progress weekly and monthly.
  • Collaborate with Human Resources Manager to set qualification criteria for future employees

BSc in Human Resources Management, Business Administration or relevant field.2 years’ experience as a recruitment specialist.Experience in recruiting blue collars is must.Knowledge of sourcing techniques on social media and niche professional websites like LinkedIn, Facebook etc.Excellent command with Microsoft Office.males only
Post date: Today
Publisher: Wuzzuf .com
Post date: Today
Publisher: Wuzzuf .com