· Responsible for handling a certain number of the company projects based on complicity level.
· Comply with the company procedures and the cost control manual and procedures in respect of the management requirements and interests.
· Review and analyze cost sheets, budget baseline and revisions and ensure proper estimation and sufficiency of project resources.
· Receive and review subcontracts and amendments (in terms of calculations accuracy, compliance with budgeted rates and adequacy of payment terms).
· Receive and review subcontractors’ invoices (in terms of calculations accuracy, progress reasonability and compliance with subcontract rates and payment terms).
· Receive and review suppliers’ purchase orders (in terms of calculations accuracy, compliance with budgeted rates and adequacy of payment terms).
· Communicate repeatedly with the projects stakeholders to deliver missing documents and/or extra details, justify deviation reasons (when exist), provide estimates of future resources, and obtain data regarding probable scope changes and their budget/cost/revenue impacts.
· Develop and update projects cost breakdown structure (CBS) that determines the level of control of resources.
· Maintain and update records of suppliers’ and subcontractors’ agreements and withdrawals/ invoices values.
· Capture and allocate the project actual expenses and revenues from the subcontractors’ invoices, material withdrawals cost evaluation sheets, EE T&D invoices to client, self-execution works wages/ pettycash (when applicable), and finance cost walk to their relevant codes in the project CBS.
· Calculate and revise forecasts of probable cost of labour (when applicable), materials, equipment, subcontractors, staff and other prelims elements; utilizing agreements, historical data, offers, incurred actual costs, consumption trends, quantity calculations, and future needs.
· Develop an integrated monthly cost report that presents -for each cost resource- at-completion original and revised budgets, actual and fair certification values, earned budget, actual cost, and forecasted cost at completion; highlighting variances, providing analyses and give recommendations on cost deviations (when occurs).
· Coordinate with the project planner to issue cash-flows (when required).