• Visit suppliers and conduct Supplier Audits.
• Communicate Monthly Supplier performance reports to the related suppliers & GB departments / BU and request Supplier countermeasures plan/program.
• Communicate and instruct suppliers on the use of a corrective action process and quality tools & techniques.
• Investigate reported external quality issues that are believed to be purchased part from a local supplier.
• Report (daily, weekly, monthly & annually) the Supplier Quality Assurance activities.
• Visit suppliers and conduct Supplier Audits.
• Communicate Monthly Supplier performance reports to the related suppliers & GB departments / BU and request Supplier countermeasures plan/program.
• Communicate and instruct suppliers on the use of a corrective action process and quality tools & techniques.
• Investigate reported external quality issues that are believed to be purchased part from a local supplier.
• Report (daily, weekly, monthly & annually) the Supplier Quality Assurance activities.
Educational Requirements: Bachelor of Engineering Special Certification or Training Required: Supplier & Purchasing Experience.