Banquet Supervisor

Hilton - Egypt - Shandong

The Banquet Supervisor  is concerned with the efficient and professional service of food and beverages within the Banquet, ensuring that the restaurant returns a budgeted profit through tight cost and stock control. This role directly supervises staff while ensuring that all guests receive optimum service in accordance with the standards, policies and procedures of the hotel and Hilton International.


What will I be doing?

As the Banquet Supervisor, you will be responsible for performing the following tasks to the highest standards:


·         Confidently know the food and beverage menu contents and explain them in detail to guests.

·         Understand dietary requirements and offer appropriate suggestions.

·         Complete TBS checklists on product knowledge.

·         Make suggestions on the menu that might suit guests of different nationalities.

·         Know menu items of all other outlets to recommend guests to other outlets.

·         Confidently know opening hours of all restaurants and hotel outlets.

·         Recommend other restaurants and city attractions to hotel guests.

·         Actively check staffs’ product knowledge on each shift.

·         Check reservations for the day, ensuring that the restaurant and staff have tables ready and that large bookings have been confirmed by phone.

·         Ensure that all staff are briefed for the details of the shift ahead.

·         Complete the TBS checklist on preparing the restaurant for service.

·         Greet guests with smiles and offer assistance with coats, bags, etc., introducing yourself.

·         Escort guests to a table and ask if they would prefer a smoking or non-smoking table.

·         Ensure that all service procedures are carried out to the standards required.

·         Replenish drinks, not letting cups or glasses become empty.

·         Take personal responsibility for the service experience of all guests in the restaurant by visiting and introducing yourself to them and actively checking on their satisfaction.

·         Follow-up on any guest questions or queries immediately, and if you don’t know the answer, check with your Manager.

·         Knowledgeable of departmental standards, explaining these standards to the team.

·         Positively deal with and learn from customer complaints and comments with follow-up and feedback to the Manager.

·         Be proactive towards guests, assisting them with any reasonable requests, and training all staff to see these things before guests ask.

·         Positively end the guest experience by checking satisfaction.

·         Present all guests’ checks promptly on request with a feedback form and brochure.

·         Encourage all guests to fill out feedback forms when they leave, assisting guests with their coats and bags.

·         Thank all guests and wish them a pleasant day.

·         Supervise the restaurant roster on a daily basis and ensure that it is in line with the changing business levels, making changes in order to achieve the F&B team’s service standards and budget goals.

·         Control the allocated labour for each shift to ensure that customer expectations are met whilst achieving the desired labour cost.

·         Assist the restaurant managers with training all staff for ‘induction training’ and ‘on the job training’.

·         Offer staff constructive feedback on their performance after every shift in an aim to develop their skills and confidence.

·         Provide leadership and direction for all staff while on duty by offering professional skills and leading by example.

·         Be aware of the restaurant’s and overall F&B targets for food, beverage, payroll and general expense costs.

·         Coordinate with Engineering and Housekeeping departments to ensure that cleaning is followed-up with and procedures are maintained.

·         Ensure that the shift is reviewed, handovers and briefings are carried out.

·         Be aware of potential highs and lows in the business.

·         Identify and communicate potential sales leads to your Manager.

·         Create an environment where “everyone sells”.

·         Communicate relevant financial information to the team.

·         Understand relevant OH&S legislations and the implications on the operation of the department.

·         Ensure that safe and healthy working practices are observed throughout service.

·         Report any accidents / incidents to the Supervisor / Manager.

·         Ensure that the Food & Beverage mission is established and instilled in you and all team members.

·         Carry out any other reasonable duties and responsibilities as assigned.

·         The Management reserves the right to make changes to this job description at its sole discretion and without advance notice.





·         熟悉掌握菜单及饮料单上的内容,并可以详细的给客人做出解释。

·         了解健康食品的要求,并可以给出适当的建议。

·         能够达到TBS 产品知识的要求。

·         可以根据客人不同的国籍推荐菜单上的食品。

·         了解其他餐厅的菜肴,以便向客人推荐。

·         熟悉所有餐厅及饭店其他部门的营业时间。

·         可以向客人推荐其他具有吸引力的餐厅或场所。

·         在工作中随时检查员工的产品知识。

·         检查餐厅当天预定,保证员工能够按照预定准备及正确摆台,做好相应的准备,并能致电确认预定。

·         确保所有员工提前了解换班详细安排。

·         完成TBS账单表以准备餐厅服务。

·         微笑服务,协助顾客就座、挂外套、背包等,并作自我介绍。

·         保证客人都被引导入座并询问他们希望在吸烟区或非吸烟区就座。

·         确保所有服务都符合标准。

·         保证询问客人的饮料是否续杯,保证不发生空杯的情况。

·         各尽其职,向客人做自我介绍,注意收集客人满意度的反馈。

·         满足客人的各项要求,如不能立即回答客人的问题请与经理联系。

·         作为主管需熟悉掌握部门的各项标准。

·         可以为团队成员解释介绍服务标准。

·         以积极的态度为客人服务,协助各种合理要求,并对餐厅其他员工进行客人需求的培训。

·         以积极主动的态度为客人服务,协助各种合理要求,并对餐厅其他员工进行客人需求的培训。

·         在客人用餐接近尾声的时候,询问客人对用餐是否满意。

·         在客人结帐时,账单要与客人满意程度调查及其他宣传单一起放在账单夹中。

·         鼓励客人在用餐结束之后填写调查表。

·         帮客人取回外套及书包。

·         感谢客人的光临,并祝愉快。

·         在生意变化的基础上调整员工排班,做任何变化要确保餐饮部服务质量及财务预算。

·         管理每个班次所安排的人力资源,在一定人力资源的基础上满足客人的期望。

·         协助餐厅经理进行就职培训,及在职培训。

·         为提高员工的工作技能及自信心,在每个班次的工作之后总结他们的工作表现。

Post date: Today
Publisher: Hilton jobs
Post date: Today
Publisher: Hilton jobs