201-500 Employees 213,

About Company

    • DMW is a
      one of the World  fastest growing pharmaceuticals   companies in the
      World , research-based pharmaceuticals.

         - Our Field

      Expand presence in health-related sectors around medical care, with the prescription pharmaceuticals,  business as the core business.

      2- Our Stage

      Covering Egypt nationwide, and survey expansion in Middle East.

      3- Our  Strategy

      - Creating numerous customer-value-creation business models with an alliance base (CRM)  that transcends industry borders.

      - Achieving the corporate brand through the initiation of original customer value.

      - Building a strong and flexible business quality through the promotion of our style marketing management.

      - Creating of a high-touch business force through the implementation of management practices that start with people (humanism) and empowerment.

      - Pursuit of management efficiency through selection and concentration; promotion of cost reductions; innovation of business structure; and cash-flow-oriented management.

      - Compliance with internal and external laws and the spirit of such laws, and the implementation of open and fair business activity.