Qualifications Bachelor'sdegreeinEngineering. Knowledgeand/orExperience 8years'relevantworkingexperience.Formalorinformalleadershipexperienceorformalmentoringexperience.Experienceprovidingstewardshipofservicecontractsincluding(drillingrigs,offshoreandonshore,drillingequipment,services,tangibles,andconsumables).ExperiencewithH2Swelldesignsandsafetypracticesideallyinoffshorecompletionsandworkoveroperations.Specializedexpertiselevelrequiredforcriticalactivitiesandworkscopeincluding(wellcontrolandwellcontrolequipment,perforatingoperations,acidstimulationdesignandoperations,wirelineoperations,coiledtubingoperations,wellhead,tree,anddownholeequipment,pressurepumpingoperations,completiondesignandequipment,landrigandjack-uprigandbargeoperations,fishingandmillingoperations,H2Soperations). TechnicalandBusinessSkills Wellcontrolproficiency. Demonstrated competency in completions and workover engineering and operations commensurate with years of experience. Commitment to safe and environmentally sound well construction. Awareness of emerging drilling industry technology and capable of assessing new technology for implementation where appropriate. Execution of competent and fully completed staff level technical designs meeting industry best practices and QG requirements. Fluent in English (demonstrated verbal and written skills). Demonstrated ability to use common PC software (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Project) as well as functional specific software (such as Well View, Landmark - Compass, WellCat,
Qualifications Formal or informal leadership experience or formal mentoring experience.Experience providing stewardship of service contracts including (drilling rigs, offshore and onshore, drilling equipment, services, tangibles, and consumables). Experience with H2S well designs and safety practices ideally in offshore completions and workover operations. Specialized expertise level required for critical activities and work scope including (well control and well control equipment, perforating operations, acid stimulation design and operations, wireline operations, coiled tubing operations, wellhead, tree, and downhole equipment, pressure pumping operations, completion design and equipment, land rig and jack-up rig and barge operations, fishing and milling operations, H2S operations). Bachelor's degree in Engineering.Knowledge and/or Experience 8 years' relevant working experience. Technical and Business Skills Well control proficiency.
If you would like to apply for this role, please send your CV to:
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