وظائف خالية مهندس الشؤون الفنية (الكهربائية والميكانيكية)

1-      Scope of work     :  Technical affairs engineering overall Beshay Steel

2-      DIRECT RESPONSIBLE to  : Technical affairs Dept. Manager.


1-      Understanding the latest issues of ISO standards (9001, 45001, 14001, 50001) requirements (policy, objectives, documents and instructions) as well as its implementation.

2-      Promoting the use of the process approach and risk-based thinking to increase improvement opportunities.

3-      Information Control: Establish and manage all plants' central archives data.

4-      Asset Management System:

o   Working with all departments in all Beshay Steel to establish and manage all process databases (Location, Assets, PM, etc.).

o   Working with Technical affaires department manager to build and manage the Plants Asset Management System.

5-      Management of Change:

o   Participate in changes and modifications ensuring that all information and database changes related to these modifications are updated and published.

o   Monitor modifications planning and verification progress.

o   Verify outcomes of modifications in collaboration with responsible department and the cost-monitoring section.

6-      Department Performance Analysis:

o   Monitor overall plants' performance KPIs.

o   Monitor plants' departments performance analysis in all KPIs, including PM, CM, and Service requests.

o   Prepare monthly performance reports for all plants and departments.

o   Conduct continuous research to improve and update all KPIs for individuals, departments, shifts, and plants.

o   Manage KPIs and performance dashboards.

6 – tool required         : Computer – Internet Access – BI & EAM systems.

7 – education                   : B.sc of engineering (Electrical for Electrical technical affairs engineer Or Mechanical for Mechanical technical affairs engineer)

8 – experience                 : - Basic expertise of electrical/mechanical assets classification – Very good in using MS office (2016 at least)

 - Very good English language reading and writing

9 – training REQUIRED:

1-      Fundamentals of HSE.

2-      Fundamentals of Energy Management System.

3-      Fundamentals of Quality management system.

4-      Fundamentals of ISO (9001-14001-45001-50001).

5-      Asset Management System based on ISO 55002.

6-      Strong knowledge maintenance practices.

7-      Using of MAXIMO EAM system.

8-       Fundamentals of steel manufacturing processes.

9-      Soft Skills training (Management of Change - Communication – Leadership – Time management).

تاريخ النشر: اليوم
الناشر: Forasna
تاريخ النشر: اليوم
الناشر: Forasna